Metropolis: Affordable housing: profiles of five metropolitan cities
Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) framework (background document)
Efficiency networks in service delivery as benchmarking Practice
Manual on a conceptual framework for support to sustainable urban development
Proyección Municipal, Iniciativa Especial, Iniciativas Locales Para el Manejo de Desechos Sólidos
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Guía Metodológica para responder al VIH/SIDA desde los gobiernos locales, Ecuador
Building capacity for peace and unity, The role of local government in peace-building
Local government and poverty reduction, Report for Istanbul + 5, Canada's contribution to municipal social development
Civil Society and Local Businesses Collaborate to improve Municipal services in Tsumeh, Namibia
E-service delivery: a manual for delivering e-service as a local government in the digital informatie society
Service delivery, a challenge for local government
