An overview of International Cooperation Financing in a selection of Local Government Associations
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume I: Manual
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks-Volume II: Workbook
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume III: Financial Manual
Municipal International Cooperation: the role of local government in decentralised development cooperation
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Inter-Municipal Cooperation: Introduction Guide to the VNG International- Approach to a Successful IMC
Municipal Development Strategy Process: Toolkit for Practitioners
Strengthening Local Governance and Decentralization: Lessons and Experience from LGAs in Asia
Promoting Good Local Governance Tools to support environmental sustainability, gender equality and social cohesion
Building capacity for peace and unity, The role of local government in peace-building
Increasing women´s participation in Municipal Decision Making – Strategies for more inclusive Canadian Municipalities, Manual and Toolkit
