Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) framework (background document)
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume III: Financial Manual
Municipal Development Strategy Process: Toolkit for Practitioners
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Poor people poor services? How the poor can influence the effectivenss of local services
Closing the circle, Bringing Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Home
Advocacy and Lobbying by a Local Government Association
Advocacy and Lobbying by a Local Government Association
Toolkit of Local Government Capacity-Building Programmes
Building capacity for peace and unity, The role of local government in peace-building
Knowledge Management of Local Government Associations
Municipal Strategic Planning, Training Workbook
Looking through the Gender Lens: 5 steps to building local government competencies and capacities to promote gender equality
