Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) framework (background document)
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume III: Financial Manual
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Municipal Development Strategy Process: Toolkit for Practitioners
Poor people poor services? How the poor can influence the effectivenss of local services
Closing the circle, Bringing Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Home
Advocacy and Lobbying by a Local Government Association
Advocacy and Lobbying by a Local Government Association
Toolkit of Local Government Capacity-Building Programmes
Building capacity for peace and unity, The role of local government in peace-building
Knowledge Management of Local Government Associations
Municipal Strategic Planning, Training Workbook
Looking through the Gender Lens: 5 steps to building local government competencies and capacities to promote gender equality
