Enhancing the inter-governmental relationships between Kota Kabupatens and NAD Province: The Communication Forum of Local Governments and Legislatures of NAD Province (Forum KKA)
Waste Audit in Galle
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume I: Manual
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks-Volume II: Workbook
A Guide for Preparation of Medium Term Development and Operational Priorities and Financial Frameworks- Volume III: Financial Manual
Batticaloa Health and Safety Manual
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Inter-Municipal Cooperation: Introduction Guide to the VNG International- Approach to a Successful IMC
Municipal Development Strategy Process: Toolkit for Practitioners
Strengthening Local Governance and Decentralization: Lessons and Experience from LGAs in Asia
Promoting women’s leadership in local government
Poor people poor services? How the poor can influence the effectivenss of local services