Metropolis: Affordable housing: profiles of five metropolitan cities
Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) framework (background document)
Efficiency networks in service delivery as benchmarking Practice
Manual on a conceptual framework for support to sustainable urban development
How can we help you? A toolkit for establishing a local government one stop desk
Guía Metodológica para responder al VIH/SIDA desde los gobiernos locales, Ecuador
Local government and poverty reduction, Report for Istanbul + 5, Canada's contribution to municipal social development
Civil Society and Local Businesses Collaborate to improve Municipal services in Tsumeh, Namibia
Building capacity for peace and unity, The role of local government in peace-building
E-service delivery: a manual for delivering e-service as a local government in the digital informatie society
Service delivery, a challenge for local government
Service Provision by a Local Government Association
Service Provision by a Local Government Association
