March 22, 2021

Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic took over the local and international debate, particularly considering the need to take care of people, democracy and the planet for the future we want. In this context, the specific impact on all women, the relevance of gender-sensitive responses, and the role of women and feminist leaders to tackle and recover from this crisis have been important topics across UCLG’s agenda.

Feminist municipalism: Local to Global Women Leadership & Decision-making
At the occasion of the CSW65, UCLG will convene Local and Regional Governments’ Days to enable  iscussions and exchanges on the key role of the international municipalist movement to promote and achieve gender equality in all parts of the world. In collaboration with international organizations, civil society representatives, UCLG will organize a series of thematic sessions that illustrate the multi-dimensional impact of local feminist leadership to attain a just, sustainable and resilient world.

22 March, 15.00 – 17.00 CET: Towards Generation Equality – Local Feminist Leadership: Business of Women and Men Alike
We Include: The pathway to Generation Equality cannot fall solely on the shoulders of women, it is a shared responsibility to generate gender-sensitive and gender-responsive institutions, which seek additional parity by supporting and promoting female and feminist leadership and decision-making.

26 years since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action and we are still far away from the desired levels of equality. The representation of women and girls in politics and public spaces remains unacceptably low, including in cities and regions. Towards the Generation Equality Forums, in Mexico City (27-31 March) and in Paris (June), it is fundamental to recognize the local sphere of government as the cradle of feminist leadership, a unique front to multiply the engagement of women and girls, and  towards an inclusive city model. The constituency of local and regional governments will be instrumental to the realization of the Generation Equality action agenda.

Local Feminist Leadership will feature an economic recovery that cares for the people and the planet, reversing the loss of jobs, addressing informality, focusing on the sustainability of life and putting an end to inequalities. Cities and territories will be instrumental to eradicate gender-based violence and to generate participatory spaces that enhance women and girls’ opportunities and participation.

For more information on this and other events, please find attached the English programme.