CIB News

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is kick-starting its research on development cooperation & local governments, issued by the CIB secretariat and the Region of Catalonia. Has local government development cooperation...
On 12 March 2021 the first of three UCLG-CIB workshops on the elaboration of Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) on the SDGs took place. The goal of the workshop was to foster exchange between local government associations...
Exciting news: we are launching a ‘CIB Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in times of COVID-19’ guidance note this month! Based on the many CIB Members' inputs on the survey, in-depth interviews and the different reviews...

Policy Items & UCLG News

In the week of the 15th of February, UCLG members, regional sections, working groups and other stakeholders participated in the very dynamic UCLG Retreat 2021. Representatives from all around the world exchanged thoughts...
Thursday 25th February marked a festive occasion for PLATFORMA and UCLG Learning: the much-anticipated launch of Module 4: Localizing the SDGs through Decentralized Cooperation (DC). This will be a key, interactive learning...
The European Commission has just published its 2021 Call for Proposals on Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities. Municipalities and regions are invited to apply and put forward valuable proposals. In 2018,...
The long-term cooperation and joint initiatives between ADB and DeLoG are based on the shared interest in strengthening institutional capacity for localising the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. The Letter of Intent...

Updates by CIB Members

In response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, one of the World Bank’s largest social accountability programs, the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP), found a way to safely keep open lines of communication...
The City of Malmö was committed to sustainability issues long before 2015, the year when the UN assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. As early as 2008, the partnership collaboration between Malmö and Swakopmund,...
2021 ICMA Regional Conferences: Power through the Unprecedented Every year, members and non-members of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) attend the ICMA Regional Conferences to share lessons...
Connective Cities is organising a virtual dialogue event in collaboration with the City of Bonn on the topic of “Strengthening the local implementation of SDGs through local reviews and monitoring”. The virtual event...
On the 4th of February 2021 DeLoG hosted its first "DeLoG in Dialogue" event with the OECD and UCLG as lead partners of the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI). The event was dedicated...
At HagueTalks it is believed that looking at peace and justice from a variety of angles and perspectives sparks innovative thinking and acting. HagueTalks is convinced that both creative minds from within and beyond the working...
In the past year, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) carried out a mid-term evaluation of its city-to-city partnership programme (2017-2021) using a ‘peer review’ approach. It proved to be a challenging...

Trainings & Campaigns

How can a multilevel approach contribute to more effective management and governance of water resources? And how can water users be involved? Sign up for a training at The Hague Academy for Local Governance on these important...

News regarding gender equality at local level

The COVID-19 crisis is exposing pre-existing inequalities across every sphere, from health to the economy, to social protection. These are particularly exacerbated among women and girls. According to UN Women, in the 12 months...
The work for increased gender equality must include all activities in cities and regions. That was one of the messages when ICLD had the first live streamed panel discussion in the series “Local Democracy Talks” the 2...
The UCLG network is getting ready for CSW65 and preparing several important contributions on behalf of local governments and leaders. Read more in this news item on the relevant events and key messages! Last year, the COVID-19...


Handbook for Age-Friendly Communities

Municipalities are already working on the topics covered in this handbook in many different ways. The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities' (KS) objective has been to provide good examples and new suggestions that may be useful for age-friendly development in the municipalities. The handbook and the focus areas have been developed in collaboration with municipalities participating in the network for age-friendly communities, as well as experts in KS, municipalities and national organisations. The network is financed by the Norwegian Government.

Symbiocity: Implementing Agenda 2030

In 2010, the Swedish local authorities association SKL International has set up SymbioCity. The programme is a holistic and inclusive approach to sustainable urban development that transforms urban challenges into opportunities. By integrating economic, environmental, sociocultural and spatial dimensions along with gender and pro-poor perspectives, SymbioCity moves cities towards sustainable and inclusive urban places. The SymbioCity programme is ending and SKL International made a publication with lessons learned, based on experiences from cities on four continents. It is meant to provide inspiration and tools for other cities wishing to embark on the journey to sustainability.

Learning Module 4: Localising the SDGs through decentralized cooperation

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish a series of bold, yet essential, targets to be achieved by 2030, which combine social inclusion, economic development and sustainability. For local and regional governments (LRGs), they form a transformative agenda that strives to: improve the delivery of public services to citizens; enhance people’s engagement in public policy-making by breaking down dividing walls between different policy areas; and foster connections with, and between, different stakeholders. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, DC has been developed and improved. This has been achieved through collaborations between national associations of cities and local government organizations and by the implementation of local and regional government agendas worldwide. DC aims to directly support local development, decentralisation processes, and institutional reinforcement, among others. Thereby, it seeks to improve the designing of territorial public policy. DC has also been shown to offer specific advantages for local and territorial development and a key way to achieve the localization and implementation of the SDGs.