CONNECT is looking for municipal expertise for Sri Lanka and Moldova

May 31, 2018     cib    

The CONNECT team is happy to present to you two new opportunities for learning and exchange from colleagues: one in Moldova and one in Sri Lanka.

In Moldova, 6 municipalities are looking for your expertise in the field of waste management, in Sri Lanka, the group of participants is looking for knowledge and experience with municipal policy making processes.

Apply for short-term CONNECT exchanges in Burkina Faso and Uganda!

March 29, 2018     cib    

The CONNECT team (PLATFORMA and VNG International) presents two new opportunities to exchange expertise among colleagues. Based on their concrete requests for assistance, CONNECT has selected the municipality of Ziniaré (Burkina Faso) and the Moroto District (Uganda) to receive a one-time, short-term interventions from a European local or regional authority in Spring 2018. Ziniaré and Moroto District need assistance in the field of waste management and LED respectively.

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