CIB discusses coordination of activities at the World Congress: where to find each other in Durban

October 29, 2019     cib    

On 29 October various CIB members gave shape to their intention to better coordinate their activities during the upcoming UCLG World Congress in Durban, South Africa. During a coordination call, ICLD, VVSG, VNG International, FCM, the region of Catalunya and the UCLG Learning team discussed the matrix of CIB activities during the World Congress (attached) and opportunities for CIB coordination throughout this event.

Apart from its individual members’ sessions, the CIB Working Group secretariat organizes three events:

How to achieve strong LGA presence at UCLG world congress 2019

April 30, 2019     cib    

In the months prior to the 6th edition of the UCLG world congress, CIB members are drafting various activities directed at Local Government Associations (LGAs) at this important event. We would like to give you an update on the statutory meetings and suggested LGA activities. Thanks for informing us on interests of the leadership of your association, or your partner association(s). Also, we are interested to hear if your CEO and/or President/Board is planning to come to Durban.

Update on statutory meetings at the World Congress

Changing context calls for new types of local government associations

November 07, 2016     cib    

"Associations need to radically change if the context in which it operates is changing severely". This quote comes from Mrs. Jantine Kriens, the CEO of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), and was underlined by several other CEOs and Presidents during the two community fora for local government associations (LGAs), organized by the CIB Working Group during the UCLG world congress in October in Bogotá.   

UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize: finalists selected!

September 01, 2016     cib    

The high-level jury of the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize has selected the five finalists for the prize. The Peace Prize is a triennial award for local governments that have implemented innovative initiatives in conflict prevention, conflict resolution or peace building, that have proven to have had a significant positive impact.

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