• CIB Knowledge hub on Gender Equality & Inclusive Governance
    Welcome to the CIB Knowledge hub on Gender Equality & Inclusive Governance (CIB Gender Knowledge Hub for short). We strive to be the main online repository, connector and social space for any organisations working on or resources related to inclusive local governance and gender equality at local level.
  • To connect, share and inspire
    Those are the three main objectives of the UCLG Capacity and Institution Building Working Group's Gender Knowledge Hub. We invite you to browse our library, sign up to our dedicated mailing list, and get connected!

Latest news on gender and local governance

“We cannot succeed when half of us are held back”

- Malala Yousafzai, activist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate


Latest tweets

2023-06-13 09:28
Looking back at 8 years of CIB - departure Jessie Post https://t.co/ejE7oey9y6 via https://t.co/5taihaqkZZ
2023-06-02 10:53
👉Marràqueix ha acollit la reunió anual del Grup de Treball de Capacitat i Creació Institucional de https://t.co/9jPdBkJ0jf
2023-05-24 21:09
Curious to know more about how to design and implement a strategy for & ? UCLG is la… https://t.co/68easK23dR
2023-05-18 14:19
🙋‍♀️Avui aprofundim a Marràqueix (Marroc) sobre les fites del projecte de cooperació per l'apoderament po… https://t.co/OfPWRIhDzE
2023-05-18 10:45
Visite des participants à la réunion annuelle du à la commune de Marrakech. . La délég… https://t.co/cVfJoL6Gan
2023-05-17 18:37
Clôture des travaux de la réunion annuelle du https://t.co/sPjDycdgfUhttps://t.co/sPjDycdgfU
2023-05-17 18:11
Launch by director of the Effective Institutions Partnerships EIP publication, collaboratio… https://t.co/jf5zcAEGa7
2023-05-17 18:11
examples on decentralisation/local gov.s from a practicioner perspective: "Fit for Pu… https://t.co/Ul3gaOQu35

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