CIB Knowledge Hub on Gender Equality & Inclusive Governance

A Toolkit to Mainstream Gender Equality in Local Government Associations (LGAs)


Are you committed to advancing gender equality within your Local Government Association (LGA)? If so, you're in the right place. This toolkit has been carefully designed to accompany you in your journey to mainstream gender equality as an integral part of the services and operations of your LGA.

Who is this toolkit for?

It's for you. This resource caters specifically to LGAs, distinguishing itself from the various tools available for local governments, underscoring its focus on association-level strategies for advancing gender equality.

Whether you're taking your first steps or well on your way in this transformative process, this toolkit is your companion. We understand that every LGA is unique, and that's why we've collected practical tools and best practices that can be tailored and adapted to your specific context.

What can you expect?

This toolkit offers comprehensive guidance on various aspects of gender mainstreaming specifically for LGAs. Learn how to kick-start the process, weave gender equality into your governance and leadership, develop robust gender mainstreaming policies and plans, and implement them effectively in your services and daily operations. Gender mainstreaming isn't just a social justice imperative; it's also a strategic approach that can enhance your LGA's efficiency, inclusivity, and overall impact.

We invite you to start exploring the resources and tools within these webpages. The main webpages are the following:

  • Section 1 – Getting Started: Laying the Foundation for Gender Mainstreaming
  • Section 2 – Measuring Gaps and Defining a Way Forward: Assessing your Current Status and Shaping Gender Equality Strategies
  • Section 3 – Governance and Staff: Leading the Way in Gender Equality Integration
  • Section 4 – Internal Operations: Weaving Gender Equality into the Heart of Your Association
  • Section 5 – Going Further: Providing Gender Equality Services to your Members

This toolkit is the beginning of a full compendium of resources. It will be regularly updated as new tools are created or found to ensure it remains a valuable resource for your LGA. So do not hesitate to come back to see what’s new and available. We also encourage you to actively contribute by sharing your own examples and tools, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the community.

Let's work together to build a more gender-equal world!

The CIB Secretariat


Section 1 - Getting Started: Laying the Foundation for Gender Mainstreaming

This first section of the toolkit is your launchpad for embracing gender equality within your Local Government Association (LGA).

You’ll find key definitions on gender equality and why it matters for local government associations. You’ll find tools on how to create initial awareness and get everyone on board in your own association, aiming to create that "aha" moment when all, leaders to staff, realizes the significance and importance of gender equality.

Tools to Understand Key Concepts

Let's start by understanding the key concepts.

Fundamentally, gender equality is a matter of human rights and social justice, and it lies at the core of sustainable development. It is a concept that goes beyond mere gender balance and strives for equal opportunities, rights, and responsibilities for all individuals, irrespective of their gender. Gender equality refers to the equal enjoyment of rights, opportunities, and resources by individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression. It signifies that all genders, particularly marginalized ones such as women and non-binary individuals, should have equal access to education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and participation in decision-making processes. Achieving gender equality is not only a matter of justice but is also essential for creating inclusive and prosperous local communities and societies.

If gender equality is the overarching goal, gender mainstreaming is the process to achieve it. Gender mainstreaming is a strategic approach aimed at integrating gender perspectives into all policies, programs, services, and actions, across all sectors and levels of an organization. It seeks to identify and address the different needs, interests, and experiences of women, men, and non-binary individuals systematically.

When you look at gender equality from the perspective of local government associations, it is evident why it is imperative for LGAs to mainstream gender equality into their services and operations. LGAs play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of local communities by facilitating cooperation and providing various services to their member municipalities. As national organizations representing the municipal sector, LGAs bear the responsibility of advocating for national policies and legislation that should promote and protect the rights and well-being of women and marginalized gender groups. An example of this is the role of LGAs to demand their national governments to enforce international agreements such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) or to align national programs with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG #5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Furthermore, LGAs have the capacity to influence and provide support to their members – the local governments themselves – to locally adopt policies that address the specific needs of women and marginalized groups, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and responsive approach to local governance at the community level.

But to effectively serve as gender-sensitive, service-oriented organizations, LGAs must first prioritize internal gender mainstreaming within their own leadership, structure, and operations. This internal commitment serves as an example for their member local governments, encouraging gender equality at all levels of governance. By practising what they advocate, LGAs not only provide more relevant and credible support to their members but also enhance their capacity to advocate for gender equality effectively with national governments and other stakeholders. LGAs, through the integration of gender equality within their structures, are better equipped to drive meaningful change and significantly contribute to advancing gender equality in local governance.

Below are examples of how the United Nations and other organizations in the local government sector have defined gender equality and gender mainstreaming:

Tools and links
What is it about?

Adopted by the United Nations in 1995, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (PFA) is the main international commitment on women's rights.

Why is it relevant?

Provides internationally accepted definitions related to gender equality.

Helps understand what is expected from national governments.

Available in all UN official languages

Tools and links
What is it about?

SDG#5 focuses on ways to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls. As with national governments, local governments play a vital role in supporting this goal to contribute to ending all forms of discrimination against women.

Why is it relevant?

SDGs #5’s targets and indicators help define what gender equality means in practice.

Helps understand what national and local governments are expected to align to.

Available in all UN official languages

What is it about?

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) embraces 'feminist municipalism' as an inclusive and caring approach that draws the attention of local governments to the diversity of residents.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key definitions and examples related to gender equality in the context of local government.

Available in English, French and Spanish

What is it about?

Cities Alliance’s Toolkit provides definitions of gender, gender equality, inclusive and gender-fair city, intersectionality.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key definitions related to gender equality in the context of local government.

Available in English, Arabic and French

Tools and links
What is it about?

The Charter for equality of women and men in local life provides local authorities with ethical guidelines and examples to ensure the equal rights of women and men are respected.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key principles and definitions related to gender equality in the context of local government.

What is it about?

Developed by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), this Charter provides key principles, definitions and ways for local and regional governments to commit themselves to achieve greater equality in all aspects of local life; politically, economically, socially and culturally.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key principles and definitions related to gender equality in the context of local government.

Available in English, French and Albanian

What is it about?

Developed by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD), this Policy brief explains why it is important for Local Governments to implement the SDG#5 and what aspects of their work it can tackle.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key principles and definitions related to gender equality in the context of local government.

Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Croation,  Bosnian and Serbian

Tools and links
What is it about?

The Charter for Gender Equality in Africa was developed by the Network of Local Women Elected in Africa (REFELA), which unites African women mayors and local elected representatives.

Why is it relevant?

Provides key principles and definitions related to gender equality in the context of local government.

Available in English and French

Tools to Build Initial Commitment

Creating awareness and fostering commitment form the bedrock of your process of mainstreaming gender equality. This initial step usually begins with creating a profound sense of awareness and engagement within your LGA. The goal is to ignite that enlightening "aha" moment when both leaders and staff collectively grasp the paramount significance and importance of gender equality. As leaders and staff immerse themselves in the concept and implications of gender equality, they will begin to appreciate its far-reaching impacts on every facet of society and the pivotal role that LGAs play in advancing this cause.

In addition to the definitions presented above, below are practical tools to help your leadership and staff develop a deep understanding of the significance of gender equality and facilitate this commitment:

What is it about?

This guide from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) introduces a process to facilitate the exchange of ideas, improve mutual understanding and develop competencies and skills necessary for gender mainstreaming.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple ‘how to’ methodology when planning for mainstreaming gender equality in an organization.

Available in English and Lithuanian

What is it about?

This publication of the UCLG’s CIB group gives an inventory of what is happening in the field of gender equality in the international work of the UCLG membership.  It helps government practitioners recognizing their crucial role in contributing to gender equality, including with case studies from different countries.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples of how local government leaders have mainstreaming gender equality in their organization.

Available in English


Section 2 - Measuring Gaps and Defining a Way Forward: Assessing your Current Status and Shaping Gender Equality Strategies and Plans

Section 2 is where we delve into the essential process of assessing your current standing in terms of gender mainstreaming and then craft effective strategies and plans to establish how you will bridge these gaps.

Tools for Measuring Gender Equality Gaps

Measuring gaps is the foundation of your gender mainstreaming efforts within your LGA. It provides a clear baseline for your organization's gender sensitivity. This understanding helps in setting meaningful priorities and goals, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently and address pressing issues.

The examples of tools provided below, like gender assessments, data collection techniques, conduct regular audits, empower you to comprehensively evaluate your organization's gender mainstreaming efforts and ensure inclusivity for all community members.

Tools and links
What is it about?

Developed by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), this simple checklist can be adapted by LGAs to assess their level of “gender mainstreaming”.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple ‘checklist’ to get started on gender equality assessment.

Available in English

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool is a guide to assess and check the institutionalization of gender equality in organizations, including in their policies, programs, projects and/or provision of services, structures, proceedings and budgets.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple ‘how to’ methodology when conducting an audit of gender equality in an organization.

Available in English and Lithuanian

What is it about?

This guide is indented for local government officials to assess how well a local government addresses gender inequality and engages with diverse groups of women to help to mainstream gender throughout local government policies, programs and structures and to better understand the potential impact government actions may have on women.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple ‘how to’ methodology when conducting an assessment of gender equality in a local government.

Available in English, French, Spanish and Georgian.

What is it about?

This briefing document introduces gender statistics and indicators as important tools to promote gender equality and implement a gender mainstreaming approach.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple explanation on gender statistics and indicators as data collection techniques.

Available in English and Lithuanian

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool is designed to accompany institutions in assessing and addressing their issues regarding gender disaggregated data.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a tool to be used for any organization that wishes to use gender-disaggregated data in their work.

Available in English

Tools for Developing Gender Equality Strategies and Plans

To make gender equality a living part of your LGA's operations and services, you need effective strategies and action plans to address gaps and lay the foundation for your organization's commitment to achieving gender equality.

Gender strategies set the stage for addressing gender disparities. A gender equality strategy typically includes a set of long-term goals and objectives aimed at fostering a more inclusive culture within the organization's internal structure and external services.

A gender equality action plan is a detailed roadmap that operationalizes and implements the overarching goals and objectives outlined in a gender equality strategy. Action plans are dynamic, time-bound, and results-driven, focusing on specific actions, resources, responsibilities, and timelines on an annual or more specific basis.

The following examples of tools will assist you in developing gender equality strategies and action plans.

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool is a guide to plan and design the implementation phase of policies, programs, or projects from a gender perspective.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to prepare a gender mainstreaming plan.

Available in English and Lithuanian

What is it about?

This guide is intended for local government officials to plan how to mainstream gender throughout local government policies, programs and structures and to better understand the potential impact government actions may have on women.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to prepare a gender mainstreaming plan.

Available in English, French, Spanish and Georgian.

Tools and links
What is it about?

Developed by the Government of Canada, this compendium of resources provides guidance on how to use GBA+ to support the development of responsive and inclusive policies, programs, and other initiatives that consider differences such as biological (sex), sociocultural (gender), age, disability, education, ethnicity, economic status, geography (including rurality), language, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

Why is it relevant?

Provides various tools to build a sustainable GBA Plus framework in an organization.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

This Toolkit helps governments, parliaments and judiciaries implement the OECD Recommendation on Gender Equality in Public Life. It contains tools to plan various priorities for improvement.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to prepare a gender mainstreaming plan.

Available in English and French

Tools for Developing Gender Sensitive Budgets

While gender equality strategies and plans are an essential step toward realizing gender mainstreaming within your LGA, it's equally vital to articulate your plans into budgets. Budgets are the financial guides that ensure your long-term vision translates into tangible investments of resources.

The following examples of tools will assist you in developing actionable budgets.

What is it about?

This simple slide deck provides an accessible explanation of gender sensitive budgeting, lays out five steps of gender budgeting, and provides helpful questions to guide the preparation of a budget.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple explanation on the concept of gender sensitive budgeting.

Available in English

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool helps organizations to mainstream gender into the funds received from the EU.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance that can be used by any organization which wishes to develop gender sensitive/responsive budgets.

Available in English and Lithuanian

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool provides a framework to look at how the impact of investment on gender equality can be taken into account during a budget process.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple explanation in understanding the impact of investment on different segments of the community.

Available in English


Section 3 - Governance and Staff: Leading the Way in Gender Equality Integration

Section 3 explores the critical domain of mainstreaming gender equality within the governance and leadership of your LGA. Your governance structures –board of directors, standing committees, councils, etc. – play pivotal roles in ensuring that gender equality and women's representation are integral principles woven into the fabric of your LGA. Your leadership and staff also need to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to integrate gender perspectives effectively into their daily work and decision-making.

Tools for Gender Sensitive Decision-Making Bodies

Incorporating gender mainstreaming into the governance structure of an LGA is indispensable for fostering inclusive and effective decision-making processes that authentically mirror diverse needs and perspectives. Specialized gender committees are particularly important in facilitating women's representation and promoting gender equality.

The following examples of tools will help you facilitate women's representation and the mainstreaming of gender equality within the governance and decision-making bodies of your LGA.

Tools and links
What is it about?

A set of resources from the UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance can be adjusted by any organization.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

From the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) of Kenya, this tool is to help create terms of reference for gender committees.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance can be adjusted by any organization.

Available in English

What is it about?

An example of terms of reference for gender committees at the city level in Australia.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance can be adjusted by any organization.

Available in English

Tools to Train your Political Leaders and your Workforce

From your board of directors to executive leadership, the political leaders of your LGA play a pivotal role in shaping the policies and services that directly impact your association's functionality and service delivery to your members. Leadership commitment sets the tone for transformative change. Empowering women leaders is especially instrumental in championing equity and diversity, enriching decision-making processes, and propelling your LGA toward gender equality.

Leadership isn't confined to the upper echelons of an organization. In LGAs, leadership can emerge at various levels, from frontline staff to senior management. It is critical to enhance capacity about gender equality and diversity across all staff levels through training and educational programs.

The following examples of tools are designed for the training and empowerment of both women and men serving on boards within your association and to equip your entire workforce to champion gender equality.

What is it about?

A framework which outlines the strategies and actions to help attain gender parity of elected representation in municipal politics, including in provincial or national associations.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance on women leadership development can be adjusted by any LGA.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

An inventory of potential strategies to overcome obstacles that are preventing women from fully participating in municipal politics.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance on women leadership development can be adjusted by any LGA.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

A guide that provides comprehensive support for women interested in running for political office, with practical tips, tools and resources on elements like campaigning, financing, communications, etc.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance on women leadership development can be adjusted by any LGA.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

This guide identifies the specific components of violence against women in elections and presents options for policy and programming responses based on current good practices.

Why is it relevant?

Provides simple guidance can be adjusted by any LGA.

Available in English, French and Spanish

Tools and links
What is it about?

A step-by-step gender equality training tool designed for policymakers and public administration employees.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to develop and deliver training modules.

Available in English and Lithuanian

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool is an easy-to-use guide on how to use more gender-sensitive language in communication activities.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to use gender-sensitive language.

Available in English and Lithuanian

What is it about?

This manual provides a detailed step by step methodology to develop and conduct gender equality training, specifically for local government officials.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to develop and deliver training modules.

Available in English

Tools and links

UN Habitat - Gender training

What is it about?

This sourcebook provides readily available and usable gender sensitive materials and resources to build local government capacity for gender equality.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to develop and deliver training modules.

Available in English

What is it about?

This Evaluation Tool was developed to summarize UN Women current approaches, concepts and methodologies to measure success and outcomes of training for gender equality (TfGE).

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to evaluate the impact of training.

Available in English


Section 4 - Internal Operations: Weaving Gender Equality into the Heart of Your Association

In Section 4, we introduce tools dedicated to providing practical guidance on mainstreaming gender equality into the internal mechanisms and processes of your association. It's essential to understand that fostering gender equality within an LGA transcends advocacy and services to members; it extends to the very heart of the organization—its internal operations.

Tools for Gender-Responsive HR Practices and Workplace Policies

Human resources practices should embody principles of fairness and gender neutrality. Addressing unconscious bias in recruitment and talent management is pivotal to ensuring that gender equality is not just a slogan but a living reality within your association. Workplace policies must go beyond mere words and translate into actions, supporting work-life balance and accommodating diverse needs. These policies should also establish clear guidelines against sexual harassment and discrimination, ensuring that your workplace is safe and inclusive.

The following examples of tools are here to assist you in assessing and modifying hiring, promotion, and compensation practices. They will also guide you in updating policies on parental leave, flexible work arrangements, childcare support, and measures for preventing harassment.

What is it about?

Developed by the Government of Australia, this briefing note outlines the content of a gender equality workplace gender equality policy.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to develop a workplace equality policy.

Available in English

What is it about?

A practical guide to help human resource (HR) professionals and senior leadership create tailored policies that address the specific gender equality needs of their organization.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to develop a workplace equality policy.

Available in English

What is it about?

This guide provides key frameworks and 38 illustrative policies and practices to promote gender equality at work.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to develop a workplace equality policy.

Available in English, French and Chinese

Tools and links
What is it about?

This web resource provides several strategies and tools to enhance the status of women, including through staff selection systems and work-life balance and flexible work arrangements.

Why is it relevant?

Provides examples of tool to implement workplace equality instruments.

Available in English, French and Spanish

What is it about?

This policy template provides guidelines on how to foster a harassment-free workplace with examples of harassment guidelines and declaration forms.

Why is it relevant?

Provides a simple tool to develop anti-harassment policies. 

Available in English

Tools for Establishing Procurement and Supplier Diversity Approaches

Supporting sourcing from women-owned businesses and organizations committed to gender equality is one way your association can bring gender considerations into a core aspect of your operations. By making procurement decisions that promote gender balance in the supply chain, your LGA contributes to a more equitable and inclusive economic ecosystem.

The following examples of tools are designed to assist you in making gender considerations an integral part of your procurement decisions and promote gender balance within your supply chain.

What is it about?

This practical toolkit guides on how to implement gender-responsive public procurement (GRPP) across the different stages of the procurement cycle is designed for contracting authorities at all levels.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to develop gender-responsive public procurement.

Available in English and Lithuanian

What is it about?

This guide provides tools and techniques for reducing or eliminating barriers and challenges preventing women-owned businesses from accessing and fully participating in local and global values chains.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical guidance on how to develop gender-responsive public procurement.

Available in English


Section 5 - Going Further: Providing Gender Equality Services to your Members

In this Section, we introduce some tools designed at empowering LGAs in their mission to mainstream gender equality within the services they provide to their members.

A key role of an LGA is to articulate the needs and concerns of local government to central government. Advocacy and lobbying always appear near or at the top of the list of most important LGA member services. Your advocacy services can help shape a national gender-sensitive legal and policy framework, creating an environment that advances gender equality and social justice. This entails advocating for the adoption and enforcement of national laws and ordinances promoting gender equality and protecting women's rights, as well as policies that address gender-based discrimination within both local government and the broader community.

There is obviously more that you can do to help your members become more gender sensitive. Gender mainstreaming permeates a spectrum of services provided by LGAs to members. These encompass the development of training programs benefiting LGA members, local government staff, and officials, election campaign support, local gender-sensitive budgeting, gender-sensitive local service delivery, awareness campaigns that promote gender equality, challenge stereotypes, and raise awareness about gender-based violence and discrimination. Finally, effective communication is a cornerstone of showcasing your LGA commitment to gender equality. By highlighting your achievements and commitment to your members, LGAs can inspire others and cultivate a culture of accountability and transparency.

There are many tools developed specifically for local governments on gender mainstreaming. Although not the focus of this specific toolkit, the following tools are useful examples that can assist you in the development of services that directly support gender equality mainstreaming for the benefit of your members.

What is it about?

This case study highlights some of the good practices emerging among local government associations on how to promote women’s political leadership and decision-making in local governments.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive decision-making locally.

Available in English and French

What is it about?

This gender analysis toolkit prepared by the City of Latrobe, Australia provides a guide to do a gender analysis of local government events, information, programs, projects and services.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive local services.

Available in English

Tools and links
What is it about?

This tool provides local governments, civil society organizations, and urban practitioners with the tools and knowledge to incorporate women's and girls' needs and voices in urban planning.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive urban planning.

Available in English, French and Arabic

Tools and links
What is it about?

This case study highlights some of the experiences and solutions implemented in order to make metropolises more inclusive, safe and sustainable.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive public spaces.

Available in English

Tools and links
What is it about?

A toolkit to help local stakeholders in gaining an understanding of the engagement of women in the various dimensions of their environments and to support women be active participants of the analysis and improvement of their cities.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive urban development.

Available in English

What is it about?

The report explores the challenges for mainstreaming gender into infrastructure. It proposes a framework for incorporating gender considerations at each stage of the public investment process and for involving more women in leadership and infrastructure decision-making.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive infrastructure development.

Available in English

What is it about?

A practical tool to evaluate municipal internal policies and practices to take proactive steps to be an inclusive employer, inclusive service provider and inclusive leader of the community.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive local services.

Available in English

Tools and links
What is it about?

This toolkit provides you with a step-by-step guide on gender budgeting. It is developed for Tunisian municipalities but can be adapted by other cities who want to mainstream gender in their budgets.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop gender-responsive local budgets.

Available in French

What is it about?

A guide to help policymakers, program implementers working on preventing and responding to violence against women by designing, planning, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating interventions and programs.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop anti-violence programs and initiatives.

Available in English, Russian and Arabic

What is it about?

This guide provides information on the specific components of violence against women in elections (VAWE) and offers options to prevent and mitigate it based on current good practices.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to develop anti-violence initiatives during elections.

What is it about?

These toolboxes provide a set of training materials, activities and resources for better communicating with gender-sensitive language.

Why is it relevant?

Provides practical examples on how to use gender-sensitive language.

Available in all UN official languages

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