July 03, 2020     cib    

To raise awareness on the SDG’s and to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the 2030 Agenda, the VVSG is organising for the third time in a row the Sustainable Municipality Week (18-25 September). All Flemish municipalities can participate on a voluntary basis. Last year, about 1 out of 3 municipalities joined the Week. We hope to reach the same number this year.

During the Week, local governments celebrate local heroes who in their work or daily life contribute to sustainable development. These heroes can be individual citizens, businesses, schools, CSOs, municipal services, … We ask participating municipalities to select at least 1 hero (and a maximum of 17). This year, the focus is on ‘corona heroes’, to give municipalities the possibility to additionally stress the social pillar of sustainable development and to make the linkages to local (post-)corona strategies.

On the 25th of September, participating municipalities will officially hoist the SDG-flag. In the Netherlands, the same action is taking place. We would like to invite everyone to join this event. You can find the formats for the flags in attachment (English, French and Spanish) or use the SDG-poster in your own language for the flag. Please inform the CIB-secretariat if local governments (and other actors) in your country are also raising the SDG-flag on the 25th of September. 

More information on the Sustainable Municipality Week on www.duurzamegemeente.be, where you can also find the campaign manual. Only available in Dutch, buth with deepl you can go a long way.