This week the global event under UN aupices, the HLPF 2022, on the Sustinable Development Goals will be held. Our dear colleagues at the world secreatriat have provided a useful overview on some of the key events which are scheduled to take place. As you know, the 2022 High-level Political Forum (HLPF) will be held from 11 July - 15 July 2022, under the theme “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Five Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be in review this year: quality education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), life below water (SDG 14), life on land (SDG 15), and partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17).
As in previous years, UCLG, on behalf of the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF), is coordinating the participation of our constituency within the HLPF as well as the reporting on the role of local and regional governments in the localization of the SDGs, which will be presented in July 2022.
During the HLPF, the Global Taskforce’s annual report "Towards the Localization of the SDGs" will be presented. This year’s report includes evidence grounded in the experiences shared through 220 responses received to the survey this year from local and regional governments and their associations from all world regions. A thorough analysis of the existing 130+ VLRs and 26 VSRs has also been conducted as the basis for this report, as well as of the newly produced Country Profiles for SDG localization (to be published in the framework of the HLPF) and the 44 VNRs expected for 2022.
Moreover, as was the case in previous years, the Local Authorities Major Group (LAMG), gathered within the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, participated in the informal consultations with UN Member States on the 2022 ministerial declaration. In the current draft of the 2022 ministerial declaration, co-facilitated by the Permanent Representatives of Italy and Nauru, strong language related to local and regional governments (paragraphs 29 and 126) and a reference to Voluntary Subnational Reviews and Local Reviews (paragraph 26) are included.
Additionally, the LAMG submitted a sectoral position paper for the 2022 High-Level Political Forum. The paper is based on the constituency’s previous joint statements and contributions to the HLPF and reflects the SDGs in review in 2022.
Below is an overview of the events of the delegation of local and regional governments at the 2022 HLPF: (Please note that all sessions within the official program of the HLPF will be taking place fully in-person in New York at the UN Headquarters while most side events will be held virtually).
Wednesday, July 6th:
- Acting at Local Level Official Thematic Session: Organized by UN-DESA. An official session within the HLPF program focusing on the main challenges and bottlenecks for effective implementation of the SDGs at local level and how can voluntary local reviews bolster action to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Held fully in-person within the UN Headquarters.
- TBC - Venice City Solutions Event: Organized by UCLG, AICCRE and UN-Habitat. The session will be presenting the final results of the previous Venice City Solutions event, and showcase different solutions presented by partners to implement the 2030 Agenda. Held virtually.
Thursday, July 7th:
- Local and Regional Governments Forum - Day 1: Organized by the GTF, UN-DESA, UN-Habitat, UNDP and Local 2030. The Local and Regional Governments Forum will bring together local, regional and national governments to discuss how decentralized cooperation among local and regional governments and their associations and networks, national authorities and the international community can contribute to the achievement of the global goals. You can read the concept note for reference. Please note that Day 1 of the Local and Regional Governments Forum will be taking place virtually.
Monday, July 11th:
- Local and Regional Governments Day: Organized by the Global Taskforce. The objective of the LRG Day is to bring together the delegation of local and regional governments to discuss the findings of the report on the state of localization, discuss and agree on the constituency's Statement to the HLPF, and will also include a special segment on gender equality and women's empowerment given the review of SDG5 in 2022. You can read the concept note for reference. Please note that the Local and Regional Governments Day will be taking place fully in-person at the UN Headquarters in CR8.
Tuesday, July 12th:
- Local and Regional Governments Forum - Day 2: Organized by the GTF, UN-DESA, UN-Habitat, UNDP and Local 2030. The fourth Local and Regional Governments Forum will bring together local, regional and national governments to discuss how decentralized cooperation among local and regional governments and their associations and networks, national authorities and the international community can contribute to the achievement of the global goals. You can read the concept note for reference. Please note that Day 2 of the Local and Regional Governments Forum will be taking place fully in-person at the UNHQ in New York in CR2.
Wednesday, July 13th:
- Localizing SDGs: Integrating Voluntary Local Reviews into Voluntary National Review Processes Official VNR Lab: Co-organized by UN-DESA and UCLG. The present lab will include contributions from both national and local and regional governments and stakeholders and provide the opportunity to reflect upon the growing relationship between VNRs and VLRs, as well as coordination between national and local SDG implementation. Held fully in-person within the UN Headquarters.
Dates TBC
- Dedicated session of Voluntary Subnational Reviews: Organized by UCLG. The session will focus on the VSRs prepared in 2022 and their main results, challenges and solutions.