April 08, 2021     cib    

The Government of Catalonia organises a series of webinars on COVID-19 and Development Cooperation. The second roundtable of this year takes place on March 13 and focusses on COVID-19 and migration: impact, lessons learned and proposals! The current crisis is expected to have a far-reaching and long-term humanitarian and socioeconomic impact. However, we have the opportunity to rethink and reformulate norms and policies for a social and economic recovery with a human rights-based approach to build a greener, healthier and more equitable world that leaves no one behind.

Date: 13 April 2021
Time: 5 – 6:30 pm (CET) / 11 am – 12:30 pm (New York)
Place: Zoom

The event will provide simultaneous interpretation. For this feature to be enabled, please make sure you have the Zoom app downloaded on your computer.

Join us to discuss:

  • the impact of COVID-19 on migration
  • lessons learned for future emergencies
  • policy recommendations on how to strengthen a development cooperation model more focused on migrants’ rights

For more information, please find below the documents in English and Castellano.

With the aim of facilitating a debate on these issues and making proposals for development cooperation policies to strengthen international cooperation on migration, the Government of Catalonia, through the Directorate General for Development Cooperation, is organizing this webinar. The next webinars of the series ‘COVID-19 and cooperation’ will take place on the following dates: May 11, June 8 and July 13, 2021.

Stay tuned!