October 20, 2020 to October 22, 2020

(For more information, click here

Across Canada, cities and communities continue to be on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local leaders are working flat-out to respond, and to keep Canadians safe. That’s forced all of us to adapt in different ways.

After careful consideration, FCM has decided to shift our 2020 Sustainable Communities Conference (SCC) to a virtual format. We’ve taken this step to protect our participants and our health care system—in accordance with the latest public health guidelines on large gatherings.

The theme of this year’s conference is Bringing projects to life. Delegates will explore the issues that are fundamental to building sustainable communities. And they’ll get exclusive tools and resources to help bring their municipal projects to life.

Event dates will remain the same, and we are working hard to update our conference program and registration fees to reflect this new virtual format. We are excited to share further details here as they become available.

We are grateful to our host, the City of St. John’s, as well as to our partners and sponsors, and to the hundreds of local leaders from across Canada who were eager to attend SCC in person. And we look forward to working with St. John’s to put on an incredible virtual experience.

If you have any questions about moving to a virtual format, please contact FCM’s events team