Region from:
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Organization from:
VNG International
Region to:
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Theme (s):
Water management
The overall goal of the project is a realized transition towards an equitable access to scarce water resources and increased water-use efficiency in the Awash Basin, through improved water resources management and water regulation.
The specific objective is to facilitate the introduction of a permit and tariffing system. Support is given on translating water abstraction and availability data into an overall allotment of water access through permits, and setting up a system for issuing water use permits, including pricing, motivated allotment, water use requirements..
The expected results of the project are:
- 100% of the water abstractors registered by AwBa/OWMEB
- 100% of the non-traditional users (1500) licensed and charged by AwBa/OWMEB based on a water permit guideline, guided by a priority ladder, with 46,695 irrigated ha under permit.
- Obtaining data of 80% of the total water volume, which is used by the non-traditional users, as input for allocation, licensing and charging.
- At least 90% user charges collected from 80% of water volume abstracted.
- A charge levying and billing IT system is functioning
- 50 staff of AWBA directorate for water administration trained on charging fees to water users
- AWBA/VNGI?have reached at least 25,000 people to increase awareness on water charging and the need for paying to achieve inclusive access to water and efficiency water use.