April 08, 2020     cib    

The Haiti-Canada Municipal Cooperation Programme – Phase 2 (PCM2) has been helping local governments in Haiti since 2014 to continue to develop their taxation systems and inter-governmental cooperation. This programme is funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and is run by a consortium made up of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) and the City of Montreal. The programme aims to create a more transparent, efficient and sustainable administrations within Haiti’s territorial communities and proposes management models to improve the delivery of local services.

Tax mobilization

Tax mobilization has been a key element in this programme. It provides local governments with the means to fund the delivery of services to citizens. In Port-au-Prince, 52,761 properties were registered, while 35,400 were registered in the Les Palmes region. This process involved creating a database of buildings and taxpayers to calculate and generate the tax accounts. House numbering and street identification also increased the effectiveness of the tax collection system. As a result, revenues in Port-au-Prince increased from 109 million HTG (Haitian gourdes) at the beginning of the project to 284 million HTG by the end, and from 4 million HTG to nearly 10 million HTG for the Les Palmes region. Haiti’s department of the economy and finances has been actively involved in this initiative, thus ensuring ongoing results.

Would you like to learn more about property taxes in Haiti? Click here. For more information on FCM’s work in Petit-Goâve, Haiti, click here.