February 25, 2019 to February 27, 2019
Seville, Spain

This high-level event on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals will be co-organized with Local2030. UNDP will also be closely involved and UCLG has been invited to be involved in the Steering Committee in representation of the constituency.  

The Steering Committee, facilitated by Local2030, represented by the Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG), is composed of: UNDP, UN‑Habitat, UNDESA, the UN Global Compact, ECLAC, the UN Foundation, UNCDF, UN Environment, UCLG, and the National Government of Spain.

UCLG has invited the Spanish Government to attend the GTF’s annual meeting and provide a first-hand briefing to all members. This event is important to ensure links with our LRG Forum at the HLPF in September, envisaged for the 24th.