Last week, VNG International hosted this years’ CIB annual meeting. 50 managers, directors and (senior) advisers made their way to the building of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) in the Hague to share their thoughts on the latest developments in their own organizations, as well as in international agenda’s and with regard to UCLG.
To get an overview of the discussions and setting, please follow this link to our Storify!
International agendas set the scene
The main topics included the role and responsibilities of local governments regarding the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the run up to the Habitat III conference and the activities of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Speakers from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission contributed to the debate and indicated concrete points for follow up that could strengthen the role of local governments in the agendas.
Members committed to exchange tools on the implementation of the SDGs and to continue to support the UCLG Champions on development cooperation, to ensure effective advocacy in international meetings.
Effective development cooperation
In addition, members agreed to update the action plan to ensure more effective development and to carry out an analysis of the most effective systems of monitoring and evaluation
Special attention for cities
The CIB Working Group meeting paid particular attention to the role that cities (can) play in international cooperation, in relation to enhancing trade relations. The cities of Amsterdam, Ghent and Mexico City enriched the lively discussions.
Follow up
The Union of Municipalities of Turkey announced that it would be willing to host next year’s CIB meeting. Dates will be communicated shortly.
The main conclusions and recommendations will be shared with the participants in a report, to be send out in the week to come. Furthermore, you can always follow the CIB Working Group on Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as on the dedicated website: