November 24, 2014

UCLG will hold its World Council in Haikou, China from November 24 - 26, 2014 at the invitation of Mayor Ni Qiang. In addition to the World Council celebration, Executive Bureau discussions as well as Committee and Working Group meetings will be held during these three days. All UCLG members are encouraged to attend and register via the UCLG World Secretariat no later than September 30th, 2014. Registrations and questions can be addressed to the following e-mail: A draft agenda of the World Council can be found here.


 Occurring back-to-back with the World Council is the Guanghzou International Urban Innovation Award from November 27 - 29, 2014 in Guangzhou, China. The award ceremony is part of the larger Guanghzou International Urban Innovation Conference and is being organised by UCLG, METROPOLIS, and the city of Guanghzou. This will be the second edition of the Conference and award ceremony. More information will be made available on the Guanghzou Award website, and for logistical inquiries on travel between Haikou and Guanghzou, please contact the UCLG World Secretariat with any questions. A draft agenda for the award ceremony can be found here.

