July 26, 2012     cib    

“Development effectiveness” is increasingly the focus of international development policy debates. However, the debate on “aid effectiveness” remains an important one in terms of  achieving improved development results and enhanced poverty reduction. On 11 January, the EU published its revised “Operational Framework on Aid Effectiveness” aimed at accelerating progress and demonstrating concrete results in time for the fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness being held in Busan (South Korea) in November 2011. The framework incorporates new chapters on cross-country division of labour, mutual accountability and transparency to accompany provisions on the use of country systems for alignment and technical cooperation for enhanced capacity development. The debate on division of labour among donors shows that while progress is being made, effective EU coordination remains an aspiration rather than a reality; progress is hindered by political considerations and realities for both donors and partner countries. Implementation also requires appropriate mechanisms and instruments which are not always in place or used. The chapter on mutual accountability has been strengthened by a stronger focus on domestic accountability. This reflects efforts by both EC and a number of Member States to pay more attention to domestic politics, accountability systems and institutions, and governance dimensions. Other themes may also be added to the EU’s Operational Framework ahead of the High Level Forum - such as South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation between the EU, developing countries and emerging donors and adequate response modalities including, inter alia, budget support operations.