July 29, 2012     cib    

Publication 1: Decentralisation in Commonwealth Africa: Experiences from Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania 

The aim of a well-designed decentralisation programme is to deliver effective services to all citizens and to deepen democracy through active popular participation in local governance. Through detailed case studies of decentralisation policies in five sub-Saharan African countries – Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania – this book edited by Janet Kathyola and Oluwatoyin Job examines the challenges presented, lessons learned, and recommends ways to improve policy implementation. It is clear from the analysis that there is no ‘one size fits all’ design of decentralisation policy.

To find out more about this publication go to the Commonwealth Secretariat´s website or follow this link: Decentralisation in Commonwealth Africa.

Publication 2: Resource Guide on Decentralisation and Local Government 

Estimates suggest that decentralisation is currently being pursued in over 80 per cent of developing countries worldwide. For many people, local government is the part of government that most directly impacts on their lives, particularly via the provision of local services like water, sanitation, primary education and primary healthcare. 

This resource guide provides practical guidance for designing, implementing and evaluating decentralisation reforms and local government practices to ensure they are as effective as possible. It also synthesises and presents current debates on the impact of decentralisation and local government on poverty reduction, service delivery and conflict as well as providing links to cutting-edge research and recent case studies.

For more information please visit the website of the Commonwealth Secretariat or click here to download a PDF with additional information for this publication.