PLATFORMA publication “Local and Regional Government Development Effectiveness”
The CIB Working Group, for its expertise in the field of aid-effectiveness, was given charge of writing this PLATFORMA publication that offers a description of decentralised development cooperation programmes of European local and regional governments and programmes of the European Union in support of decentralisation and local governance. Furthermore, different approaches of how local and regional governments operate in supporting decentralisation and local governance are analysed, and existing synergies are looked at. Lastly, insight will be given in comparative advantages of decentralised development cooperation in improving local and regional governance and, finally, in improving the life of the citizens.
The authors of this publication, Renske Steenbergen and Jean Bossuyt provided a presentation, which was followed by a review and discussion of the document.
To access the first draft of this publication please click on the link below:
Other topics that were discussed include:
- From aid effectiveness to effective development Cooperation - Follow-up of Busan and of the UN Development Cooperation Forum
- Update on the European Commission study on decentralised cooperation
- Towards the EC Communication on LRAs in development: our contribution to the Issue paper on points relating to the aid effectiveness principles
The report of the meeting will be distributed shortly.