February 28, 2013     cib    

The full name of this brochure is Tapping the Untapped Potential: GIZ Succes Stories in Capacity Development for Local Revenue Enhancement in Sub-Saharan Africa.

This brochure that GIZ has published investigates and describes some of GIZ experiences in its suport to local revenue enhancement in nine countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Seven GIZ programmes are examined on how they have adressed challenges within this context.

"Effective local revenue mobilisation for service delivery by local government is one of the key variables to success to any decentralisation reform. In sub-Saharan Africa in particular, the mobilisation of local revenues notably local taxes and user fees has met with a lot of challenges undermining local service delivery and accountability. Capacity development of local and cetral governments to face these challenges has been the focus of GIZ in many countries".

To read more click here.