March 01, 2013     cib    

There is a free online Training Platform launched for local political representatives and municipal staff. This way local governments are provided with short and easy-to-understand training modules oriented on eight key issues to local energy action planning. It has been developed by experts - energy, local governments and adult education - in the Covenant capaCITY project and is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.

Start-up municipalitities (cities and towns that are busy exploring what local climate and sustainable energy action is all about and what their role in this could be) are the main audience of the platform. There are eight themes presented in modules, onlining the theme relecevance to local governments, basic guidence are offered, as well as ideas, tips and tools - on how to deal with people, structures and processes. Information and interactive elements are combined, including exercises, great direction and links to further support.

When you go through the training programme, local leaders and municipal staff from different departments have a sound idea how to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAS). If you would like to enter, you have to register and select topics you wish to explore, for instance SEAS development or Water.

For excess to the platform click here.