On 6 November, VNG International will host the Local Government Capacity Conference as part of its Local Government Capacity Programme (LGCP). During this conference, the winner of the Local Government Capacity award will be announced.
After opening remarks by Mr. Peter Knip, director of VNG International and Ms. Liesbeth Teekamp, Senior Policy Officer of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cases from participating countries will be presented to the audience. One of these cases will be awarded the Local Government Capacity Award: the Prize for making local governments more capable to play their role in local development.
VNG International has received nine cases of capacity development in the framework of the Local Government Capacity Programme (2012-2016). Municipalities, water authorities and associations of local governments from Benin, Ghana, Nicaragua, Rwanda, South Sudan, South Africa, and Uganda and their advisors, coaches and trainers will present their approaches to capacity development.
Participants will learn to build up capacity to deliver WASH services, to use interactive planning methods for urban development, to manage cross-border rivers basins, to support the agricultural sector, and to improve economic development. The winner of the Award successfully demonstrated a coherent approach to capacity development and an ambitious vision for the future in tackling capacity development in the organisation.
For more information, visit the VNG International website or contact Ms. Irene Oostveen