In preparation of the fourth UN Development Cooperation Forum on 10-11 July 2014, a High-Level Symposium took place in Berlin, Germany, on 20-21 March 2014. UCLG Champion Célestine K. Courtés was present at this meeting, along with 200 other participants, including seven local governments. The official opening ceremony contributed to the definition of the sought objectives of the Development Cooperation Forum.
The meeting in Berlin mainly focused on:
- The evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals, in terms of strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities;
- This evaluation brought the formulation of new objectives for strengthening the fight against poverty.
- The design of a new global partnership involving all stakeholders that can contribute to the success and effectiveness of development cooperation with the notions of efficiency and accountability at the centre of concerns.
These topics were discussed, along with the exchange of experiences, the presentation of results coming from studies done in the field of Development Cooperation and the Millennium Development Goals. Representatives of local governments have emphasised the importance and increasing role of local governments in the design of a new global partnership.
The Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Wu Hongbo, concluded with a nod to local governments:
"Cooperation should be influenced by the needs of the population, propelled by the empowerment of citizens. Also, local and regional authorities have a direct role when it comes to development and should be reflected when it comes to responsibility."