April 28, 2014     cib    

The Association of Netherlands Municipality, VNG International, provides two short documentaries with regard to municipal benchmarking of the Local Government Capacity Programme (LGCP, 2012 - 2016) in Benin and Ghana.


The aim of the programme is to build the capacity of local governments in developing countries.  The challenges of today's fast-changing world have an enormous impact on communities and on development at local level. Pressing issues in the area of human settlements, including rapid urbanisation, requires a lot of strength from local governments. Local governments in developing countries are often unable to efficiently and effectively create the circumstances required for a stimulating environment, that can play a decisive role in the ultimate chance of success. The LGCP is therefore launched by VNG International in 2012, and will run until December 2016.

The focus of LGCP is mostly on African countries: eight of the ten partner countries are on this continent. The programme is carried out in Benin, Burundi, Ghana, Mali, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Uganda, the Palestinian territories, South Africa and South Sudan.

Recently, VNG International presented two short documentaries about the benchmark of the programme in Ghana and Benin. Watch here te videos:

> A Documentary: Benchmarking Amongst 21 Municipalities in Benin.

> Sanitation service delivery at local government level in Ghana.


For more information on the LGCP, visit here the website of VNG International.