August 13, 2014     cib    

In one of many initiatives of the AL-LAS Project to encourage decentralised international cooperation, notably between Latin American and European cities, a technical visit proved a positve step forward for several local government representatives in ensuring cooperation between their cities. Representatives of Latin American cities of Mexico City, Medellín, Quito, Morón and Montevideo paid visits to local governments of Andalucía, Paris, and Nanterre in Spain and France. Latin America representatives were not only presented with new views on decentralised cooperation by their counterparts, but because of these visits, new connections were made to ensure city-to-city cooperation in the future. Particpants also had the opportunity to meet with several actors in French international cooperation and local authorities, as well as with other public organisations with the goal of sharing experiences and forming a basis for future cooperation. Details of the visit can be found in the following report (Spanish only). 


The AL-LAS Project is a network of Latin American and European cities dedicated to the promotion of inter-city cooperation in many forms, including seminars, online discussions, publications, and in this case, fostering of technical study visits. This visit was organised in conjunction with the Andalusian Municipalities Fund for International Solidarity (FAMSI) and United Cities France (CUF), and took place from June 30 - July 5, 2014. Latin American particpants in the visit are also active members of the AL-LAS network, and were able to attend CUF's 5th Forum on Municipalities and International Cooperation during this time. 

