October 09, 2014     cib    

36 participants from 23 local government associations and individual cities took part in the annual CIB meeting hosted by the German Cities Association.


Reflection about Municipal International Cooperation

Participants shared their latest updates about programmes and projects. Various associations in are undertaking a reflection about the development of municipal international cooperation, on the request of member municipalities or of the donor. The CIB secretariat will disseminate any conclusion that might be relevant for CIB members.

Discussions also focused on how to disseminate international experiences at domestic level.


Trade and development

In many countries there is increasing attention for the role of local governments in trade and investment. The Agency of Cooperation and Investment of Medellin is one of the model cities in Latin America for how to organize international relations and cooperation. In other countries there is increasing attention for the role that local governments play in attracting investment and promoting the country internationally.


Sharing information and knowledge

The CIB Working Group further discussed the importance of sharing information of new programmes and lessons learned of projects to ensure further improvement of cooperation initiatives, as well as exchange about tools to measure impact of capacity building initiatives.

It also discussed possible joint initiatives in disaster response and preparedness and in countries like the Ukraine.


Further information

The full report of the CIB meeting will be disseminated within 2 weeks. For further information please contact uclg.cib@vng.nl