October 16, 2014     cib    

UCLG's Urban October began with two important days that take place in October: World Habitat Day, and World Cities Day #CitiesDay. Because there are so many celebrations, activities and events taking place around these two days, the entire month has now been dubbed Urban October. The goal of Urban October is to raise awareness about the crucial role that urbanisation and well-managed cities play in a sustainable future: " Urban October will bring together many of the initiatives on advocacy, outreach and communicationi on sustainable urban development. Urban October is a month for raising interest in urban challenges, for stimulating debates and moving forward commitments.


As part of Urban October celebrations, UCLG encourages members, local and regional leaders, mayors, presidents, and elected leaders to participate in the #urbanSDG Selfie Campaign. For more information, please read the original article on the UCLG website