Flemish local governments and their partners from South-Africa, Namibia and Botswana were present, as well as local government associations from South Africa (SALGA), Botswana (BALA), the Netherlands (VNG International/CMRA).
The secretariat of the CIB Working Group of UCLG also participated, as well as various universities and youth organizations.
Over 100 participants worked two days around the concepts of municipal international cooperation and the policy area of youth, which is a major subject of cooperation between Flemish local governments and their partners.
This conference will be followed by a regional conference in Nicaragua next spring and an international conference in Flanders on 17-18 October 2011 and will be the basis of the reflection on the future of municipal international cooperation.
For further information, please contact Bert Janssens at the VVSG: bert.janssens@vvsg.be.