In the next months, three exciting CIB activities will take place: i) a study on the gender work of CIB and its members; ii) a study on SDGs in decentralized cooperation; and iii) a peer review in Benin, in which CIB members are partaking. Please find a short update on all activities below.
Study on gender work of CIB and members
In Summer, gender expert Sandra Ceciarini, was hired to carry out an assignment for CIB in fall. Mrs. Ceciarini will advise the Working Group on how to make the CIB work plans of the next years gender sensitive. Furthermore, she will produce a booklet on the gender activities/programmes of CIB members, which will be presented at the UCLG world congress. Both activities will help to eventually advance gender equality at local government level; and showcase that CIB and its members are already working on this important topic, and ready to accelerate, in line with UCLG’s gender strategy, to be adopted in Durban.
For both the work plan and the booklet, Mrs. Ceciarini needs your input and help. You will receive a survey on the 10th of September; we would be grateful if you fill this out. After the CIB meeting, where Mrs. Ceciarini will be present, more in-depth interviews will be planned, to be able to assemble good case studies for the booklet.
Study on SDGs in decentralized cooperation
Through the contribution of the Region of Catalonia to the CIB Working Group, two experts from La Mundial, Pablo J. Martínez Osés & Nacho Martínez, will carry out a study on SDGs and decentralized cooperation in the months to come. As part of this assignment, the experts will carry out the following activities in the next months:
- Building the state-of-the-art regarding ‘SDGs and decentralised cooperation’ in academic research, policy guidelines and other relevant sources;
- Mapping the diversity of practices of how decentralized cooperation is linked to the SDGs: funding, global local policy relation, beneficiaries, more partners, and in which stage (proposal writing , include awareness, alignment, reporting of activities);
- Writing of recommendations as to how to best integrate the SDGs in decentralised cooperation;
For this study, another survey will be send out to the CIB network prior to the CIB meeting. You will meet Pablo Martínez Osés at the CIB meeting in Vienna. He will then briefly explain the assignment, the timeline and the needed input from CIB members.
The ultimate goal of the study will be to feed into the new training module within UCLG, devoted to SDGs and decentralised cooperation, to assure a good connection with the realities in the field.
Peer review in Benin
As you might recall, last years’ CIB annual meeting saw a discussion on monitoring and evaluation of programmes of CIB members. In that discussion, the idea arose to organize a peer evaluation for one or more of our programmes, in view of the mixed experiences with external evaluators. The Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) has made it possible to include 2 or 3 peer evaluators from the CIB network, in the mid-term evaluation of two of the country programmes of their subsidy programme (subsidized by DGD, which is the federal government of Belgium), being Benin and Ecuador. In the next weeks, the selection committee coordinated by VVSG will announce which CIB members will participate in the peer review in Benin. An update will be provided at the CIB meeting.
Do you want to participate in the peer review in Ecuador in Spring 2020? Please contact us at uclg.cib@vng.nl for more information.