June 17, 2013     cib    

Further to its adopted during the UCLG World Council in Dakar (Senegal) in December 2012, the Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group has published the UCLG Policy Paper on Development Cooperation and Local Government.

The aim of the Policy Paper is to explain the crucial role that local governments play in the development of a country and the fact that development cooperation by peers can support local governments to play that role.

The Policy Paper also provides key recommendations for UCLG membership and international partners.

Recognition of local government development cooperation as a public policy, promoting more and better decentralisation, giving recognition of local governments as actors for development, increasing substantially the volume of financial support for local government development cooperation programmes, and the number and range of governments and funders in this sector are the main recommendations of the Policy Paper.

You can find the policy statement and executive summary of the UCLG Policy Paper in the library section of the CIB website under the segment publications.

To go directly to the UCLG Policy Paper, please click here. The Policy Paper is also available in French, Spanish and Dutch.