The activities on learning exchange and mentoring between cities continue to grow, especially in the African context. Nonetheless, according to the Working Group, the interest and commitment to further extend peer learning in developing and developed countries will be considered for inclusion in the UCLG agenda.
Related to strategic planning, a mission took place in March in coordination with CIMES (Intermediary Cities) and ASF (Architects without borders), to strengthen partnerships between cities in Mozambique (XaiXai, Lichinga, Manhisa and Maputo) and with future cooperation partners such as the city of Porto Alegre. It is expected that ANAMM in Mozambique will make advances with an exciting development agenda. For further details, please access the report of the mission to Mozambique on the link below.
scale up and increase coherence and network
Recently, the UCLG programme manager, along with active African members and actors of the CityFuture Programme, attended a training held in London by the LGA United Kingdom. Further, the Sustainable Cities network from Canada invited the Committee to its annual symposium in Vancouver in order to explore possible joint activities.
Along with the Committee on Culture, the Committee have sent the application for a networking event to take place on the fringe of the World Urban Forum (WUF6) in Naples in September. The event is entitled: Peer exchange of city leaders: tailoring global tools to foster local identities. If you are interested in sharing your experience of urban planning and city management in light of local dynamics, please send a brief monograph (half a page) to or so they can consider its inclusion as part of the event within the possibilities of space and time. For more details, see the hyperlink below.
Following the WUF, the UCLG World Secretariat will be hosting cities, networks and other UCLG Committees that are especially active in learning. The event: “City to city learning between peers: methodologies, results and lessons learnt” will take place in the office in Barcelona to review methodologies and modes of city learning.
Please click on the links below to access the following documents:
-Report mission to Mozambique
-WUF Networking Event Application