It is the pleasure of UCLG learning PLATFORMA to invite you to participate to the next “Climate Academy: Online training on Adaptation and Mitigation for Locally Elected Representatives” to be held on 12 and 13 March 2024, between 15.00–17.30 CET (in English).
The goal of this training academy is the exchange of information among politicians to inspire the development of local and regional climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, plans and actions, bearing in mind the various EU and international contexts: the EU Green Deal, the EU Adaptation Strategy, the Paris Agreement (including COP26, COP27, COP28 and preparations ahead of COP29 and COP30), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, among others. The scope of this training is targeted to Europe and Central Asia with examples from Latin America.
Besides the keynote presentations by scientists/economists specialised in climate adaptation and mitigation for urban areas, the academy will count on inputs of policy makers such as the Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) in the European Commission, the EIB or the EBRD among others.
Please find the draft agenda in this link.
You can register through this link.