December 17, 2015     cib    

As part of the CIB Working Group’s efforts to contribute to more development cooperation, through the participation of UCLG in the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)*, the CIB has developed a survey that is to provide insight in how and to what extent local government associations are involved in national development planning.

National development strategies need to be developed in a participatory way and include discussions with civil society as well as international donors. Besides clear-cut priorities and budgets for social, macroeconomic, and structural policies, these strategies include selected indicators, monitoring and evaluation systems, and targets. Altogether, these national development strategies have a profound effect on the formulation of development interventions in the country concerned. Given the impact of the strategies at the local level and the extent to which local governments are involved in the execution of national development strategies, it is important that local governments and their associations are appropriately consulted and involved in formulating these strategies. 

The outcomes of the survey will be analysed in 2016 and its conclusions will be shared in the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in November 2016 in Kenya. In addition, concrete cases will be identified and drawn up as examples of how local government associations have been successfully and unsuccessfully involved and consulted on development priorities.

Local government associations can complete the survey here until 31 January.

* The Global Partnership on Effective development Cooperation was established during the Fourth High Level Forum in Busan (2011) to ensure that development cooperation has the maximum impact on development results. The current Partnership is supported by OECD and UNDP. UCLG has a seat in the Steering Committee since April 2014.