April 10, 2019     cib    

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC) is organizing a conclusion workshop on 9 & 10 May 2019 named:  Effectiveness at country level . 

In February last year, the Global Partnership launched the Enhanced Effectiveness at Country Level Pilot Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The pilot workshop is a key activity under Strategic Output 1 of the 2017-2018 Work Programme of the GPEDC . 10 country pilots were selected, namely Bangladesh, Cambodia, El Salvador, Georgia, Laos, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Rwanda and Uganda.

The conclusion-workshop of this pilot will provide an opportunity for representatives from pilot countries to share their experiences. Participants will present and discuss the activities undertaken, key results delivered, and challenges faced and successes achieved in the implementation process.

The objective of the workshop is to spur further action to enhance effectiveness at country level through the direct exchange of experiences among the pilot countries, as well as the documentation of these experiences and lessons learned to shape the discussions at the Global Partnership’s 2019 Senior Level Meeting (SLM) and to inform how the Global Partnership can support future country-level work.

The workshop will take place in Bonn, Germany. Participants are requested to register their participation through this link, no later than 12 April 2019. 

 The workshop will be followed by a dialogue on the 2018 monitoring exercise (10-11 May). Participants of the workshop are invited to stay on for this, which will provide an opportunity to share experiences with the monitoring process.

In short: 

What:  Pilot conclusion workshop: Effectiveness at country level

When: 09-10 may 2019

Where: Bonn, Germany

How: Register here