July 30, 2012     cib    

The European Commission issued the communication ‘An agenda for change’ on its renewed development policy. The European local and regional government platform for development cooperation PLATFORMA worked closely with EU Commissioner Piebalgs’ cabinet and DG DEVCO to ensure that decentralised cooperation would be fully acknowledged, and that local and regional authorities would be identified as key partners in development.

Recalling that important socio economic developments, both in partner countries and in Europe, are underway, with new countries emerging as important partners in development cooperation and with the Millennium Development Goals target date of 2015 just around the corner, the Commission unveils its intention to focus its offer to partner countries most in need and where it can have the greatest impact and its intention to concentrate its activities, in each country, in a maximum of three sectors.

As expected, the EU will concentrate its development cooperation in support of human rights and good governance and inclusive and sustainable growth for human development.

The Commission identifies the strengthening of its link with local authorities as one underlying principle
to achieve results in human rights and governance. The communication stipulates that “the EU should strengthen its links with local authorities through regular dialogue and use of best practices and consider ways of mobilizing local authorities expertise, e.g. through networks of excellence or twinning exercises”.

The Communication represents an important step forward. The Structured Dialogue, that took place in the past two years between the European Commission and Local and Regional authorities and civil society organisations is referred to as a building block for strengthening the partnership.

PLATFORMA is currently preparing a formal common position on this Communication.