March 15, 2021     cib    

Exciting news: we are launching a ‘CIB Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in times of COVID-19’ guidance note this month! Based on the many CIB Members' inputs on the survey, in-depth interviews and the different reviews of the draft guidance note, we will officially launch the guidance note on MEL in distant times of COVID-19 on March 31 between 15:00 - 16:00 CEST! Register now via this link! Together with the independent consultant ms Kaia Ambrose and contributions of SALGA and ICLD (tbc) we will present and dive into this most challenging and dynamic topic so relevant for our community of practisioners.

Background on and aim of the assignment
In fall 2020, a group of directors of CIB member organisations flagged that it has become increasingly difficult to carry out Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning with regard to our programmes in the field, at distance. They requested the CIB secretariat to use the remaining budget of 2020 to carry out an assignment on M&E in COVID-19 times. The aim of the assignment is to identify how CIB member organisations have adapted their monitoring, evaluation and learning techniques and practices in the past months, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and the ban on international travel, and enhance learning between members in this field.

Please feel free to forward the registration link to your interested colleagues and partners. We hope to welcome you all on the 31st of this month!

Join us on Wednesday through this link:

Meeting ID: 997 4629 5702
Passcode: 426094