The UCLG Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness, prepared by the CIB Working Group has been circulated amongst all UCLG Committee and Working Group members for consultation.
We have received comments from UCLG members of various continents and are currently working on the version that will be presented for advice to the UCLG Executive Bureau (2 June in Copenhagen, Denmark).
The final document will be presented for adoption at the UCLG World Council in November, in Guangzhou (China).
At our next CIB meeting in London (25-26 June) we will discuss next steps for the further elaboration and dissemination of our position paper, as well as the further incorporation of case studies into the document.
FCM has developed a “model case study” that will be circulated to the CIB members. In order to make sure the case studies contribute to the argumentation of the position paper, we will advice some of the CIB members to revise their submitted cases. We will soon get back to you on that.
We thank you all for your valuable contributions and support!