On the 2nd of December 2009, Cllr Richard Kemp, Deputy Chair of the LGA, will present the Position Paper on Aid Effectiveness in a special annual meeting - ‘Assises of Decentralised Cooperation’ - convened by the European Commission and Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
Cllr Kemp will speak in Roundtable 1 on ‘The urgency of aid effectiveness in a time of crisis’. He will also share the LGA’s work in this area, including recent contributions to the UK International Development Select Committee, DFID White Paper and Conservative Green Paper – see the LGA resources section.
In Roundtable 4 of the Assises of Decentralised Cooperation, which is coordinated by the European PLATFORMA of local and regional authorities for development, UCLG representatives from the Philippines and Namibia will intervene. UCLG Secretary General, Ms. Gateau, will moderate the session.