Sunday, April 14th the United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA) came together for the 24th Session of the UN Habitat Governing Council. During this meeting, the statement that the voice of local authorities needs to be further heard in the new development agenda and committed to working with UCLG and UNACLA to this end was acknowledged by Executive Director of Habitat, Dr. Joen Clos and Deputy Director, Ms. Kirabo.
There was also a request from the Mayors and Local Governments representatives for a larger role for the UNACLA in the political UN Habitat Agenda. The Secretariat was requested to find ways to guaranty this.
Furthermore, the Urban Mobility Report was presented, highlighting various cases, Mayors pointed out the need of regaining lost competences at local level and localising the economy trough partnership. Finanlly, there was a High Level panel on the urban aspect of the Post 2015 Agenda organised.
For further information, please look at he UN Habitat website.
Source: UCLG website.