January 15, 2015     cib    

“I am a great fan of cadastres, bringing it back to the local level and make sure that it is clear who is the owner of the land, to show that they are the legitimate owners.” said Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation, Ms. Liliane Ploumen, in reaction of the intervention of Ms. Annemarie Jorritsma, Chair of the of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) and mayor of Almere yesterday in the Steering Committee meeting of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation. Ms Jorritsma had referred to the fact that local government development cooperation is cheap and effective and can reach sustainable results, for example in enhancing cadasters and land registry.

This year, the post 2015 development goals will be defined. It is therefore timely to discuss the most effective ways of achieving development. On 19 and 20 January, the Steering Committee of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation met in The Hague to discuss this topic. The Global Partnership is chaired by ministers from the Netherlands, Mexico and Malawi. The CIB secretariat participated in this meeting, supporting UCLG vice-president, Ms. Jorritsma. UCLG and FOGAR have a joint seat in the Steering Committee for sub-national governments.

UCLG’s input focused on the need to recognize that implementation of the post 2015 agenda is at the same time local, national and global. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will depend greatly on local action and therefore local governments need adequate resources and capacities. Cooperation between peers has proven to be highly cost-effective and demand driven in this regard.

The participation of UCLG in the Global Partnership has been supported by the CIB secretariat in the past years. Last year, various of the UCLG Champions on Development attended Global Partnership’s activities (see: champions.uclg.org) and contributed items to the Effective Development Cooperation blog.

For more information about the Global Partnership, see: effectivecooperation.org