The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) will behosting a training session at the World Urban Forum on November 5, 2024 in Cairo, Egypt. The session is entitled “Improve Your Solid Waste Management System by Learning How to Use the USAID Solid waste Capacity Index for Local governments (SCIL) Developed by ICMA”.
The SCIL tool is the foundation of a methodical and distilled approach for local governments to assess their capacity to create and sustain an economically and environmentally sound 3R/SWM system. This training will guide participants through the process of using the tool and elaborate how to use the resulting information to change their solid waste system in ways that will bring them closer to implementing best practices.
Expected learning objectives for participants are: How to perform a SCIL Assessment to support 3R/SWM development; Where the SCIL Tool and other items of the SCIL Toolkit can be obtained for free; and how to transform the SCIL score into recommendations that will advance and improve governance of the 3R/SWM system.
Register here: https://wuf.unhabitat.org/event/wuf12/improve-your-solid-waste-management-system-learning-how-use-usaid-solid-waste-capacity