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ICLD - Four ITP programmes open for application

September 01, 2021     cib    

The applications for four of ICLD’s International Training Programmes are now open: Human Rights Based Approach, Gender Mainstreaming, Women’s Political Leadership and Public Financial Management.

The applicant must be governmental official, politician or representative of a community-based organization. There are also selected countries that can apply.

Still wondering if you are the right person to apply for the programmes?
If answering YES to any of the questions here below, apply!

  • You want to contribute to making your municipality or district an inclusive and gender equal society in a sustainable way for all your citizens.
  • You want to learn more about financial management and how to support local development.
  • You want to learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals and how to initiate and implement organisational change

Application is open between 1 July and 10 September 2021 except for Women’s Political Leadership with deadline 31th August.

More info about the programmes