July 30, 2012     cib    


From the 2nd till the 6th of July 2012, the Hague Academy for Local Governance offers a summercourse especially developed for professionals working at donor and development organisations who are dealing with support to good governance, democracy, decentralisation, local governance and public service delivery.

The following questions will be addressed in this course:

•Â How can dialogue between national governments and local stakeholders be stimulated?
•Â How can local governments be made more accountable to their citizens?
•Â In what way can a transfer of power and budgetary resources from central to local authorities lead to better 
services on the local level?
•Â And how can donor and development organisations support a more effective implementation of decentralisation?

Moreover, the course provides you with tools for assessing and monitoring decentralisation practices, such as political economy analysis. It also increases your insight into decentralisation processes in different country contexts, like fragile states or countries with ethnic or religious tensions. Fiscal decentralisation, sources for local income generating and social accountability issues are discussed, as well as aid modalities and the role of the donor community.

Learning objectives
This course will help you:

•Â Assess decentralisation practices in the countries in which you work a.o. by applying the Political Economy
•Â Increase your insight into the various factors that influence performance at the local level;
•Â Judge the impact of decentralisation policies on domestic accountability;
•Â Design and monitor support strategies for more effective implementation of decentralisation in partner countries.

More information

Deadline for application is 4 May 2012. Click here for the original announcement and additional information on experts, costs and entry or go to the website www.thehagueacademy.com.