January 08, 2015     cib    

For those looking for a simple, overall guide to European funding for the period 2014 to 2020, Concord has now made a Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014-2020 available online. The authors provide an overview of the thematic and geographic instruments for funding and programmes that are expected to take place, along with comments on the programming process by topic. A perhaps particularly relevant chapter is the one dedicated to the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Programme (CSO-LA). This EU programme, which follows the earlier NSA-LA programming, puts civil society and local authorities at the core, with three main goals: 


1. To enhance CSO's and LA's contributions to good governance and to development;

2. To reinforce CSO networks and associations of LA's;

3. To develop and support education and awareness-raising activities for development issues among citizens.


One of the main changes with the new CSO-LA programming is less of a focus on service delivery, and more of a focus on good governance. The enhancement of contribution to governance will make up the bulk of proposed programmes, with many more country-specific calls for proposals. 


Concord is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development, and has played a role in the negotiations on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. For more information, please visit their website


The Guide has also been made available in the CIB Library