In december the CIB Working Group and UCLG Learning organized webinars about best practices from Local Government Associations on SDG implementation and reporting in three different languages (ES, ENG, FR).
The participation of representatives of associations of local and regional governments is especially important since the progress made in the localization of the SDGs will be presented to the United Nations during the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2019. The reports, made voluntarily by the National Associations of Local Governments, are fundamental tools for the verification of the processes on localizing the SDGs. The webinars explained SDGs learning Module 3, designed by UCLG Learning, which objective is to enhance Local & Regional Government Associations’ involvement in the preparation of the national VNRs.
The first web conference, in Spanish, took place on December 11, and served as an introduction to the process of reporting on the implementation of the SDGs at the local and regional level, with the experiences of Latin American and Spanish Associations: the National Union of Local Governments of Costa Rica (UNGL), the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM). The recording from this webinar can be found here.
The second webinar, in English, was held on December 18 and showcased the experiences of the Association of Local Authorities and Regions of Sweden (SALAR), the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) and the UCLG Regional Section of Asia-Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC). The recording from this webinar can be found here.
The third webinar, in French, took place December 20 and the experiences of PLATFORMA, the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG International), the The Federation of CanadianMunicipalities (FCM) and the UCLG Africa & Alga were shared. Unfortunately the speaker from the National Association of Cities of Benin (ANCB) was ill, but he is willing to share more information about their work. The recording from this webinar can be found here.
Below the slides that were used during the webinars are listed:
We are thinking of organizing more webinars related to this topic in the coming year and will inform you accordingly. In case of any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us (